We gasped at Shakespeare's tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. We moaned with Athena. We cried with Helen of Troy. We were envious of living in youth; of love blossomed between twenty-something characters.
Love takes a lot of effort for it to grow. Love is not about just the quick beating of the heart, the sparkle of the eyes. Love is keeping the sweetness, finding happiness in little things. Its intention is to bring people together in a time called forever. It's never easy to make that commitment of a lifetime. Love is not for the fainthearted. But these couples decided to take the plunge and did what it takes to remain true to that vow.
That's why I'm more giddy looking at old couples holding hands, kissing each other. Couples who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and continue to enjoy each other's company. The companionship remained. Glow in their eyes are still evident. They continue to talk about sweet nothings despite the hearing problem. They walk together, hand in hand, with their canes. They swell with pride with their children and lots and lots of grandchildren. Ageing is a gift for them.
"The most romantic story is not Romeo and Juliet who died together...
But grandpa and grandma who grew old together," as the saying goes.
Those are the love stories that should be written and hug the limelight. Those are the love that endured time and temptations. Love that strengthened two people until the sunset days of their lives together. Love bears all-maybe not with all smiles that the world has to see but you can always learn from old couples how they faced the battle together- head on and emerged triumphant and contented. A love for a lifetime and a lesson for the new generation who continuously search for one big love to fill the void.
Love takes a lot of effort for it to grow. Love is not about just the quick beating of the heart, the sparkle of the eyes. Love is keeping the sweetness, finding happiness in little things. Its intention is to bring people together in a time called forever. It's never easy to make that commitment of a lifetime. Love is not for the fainthearted. But these couples decided to take the plunge and did what it takes to remain true to that vow.
That's why I'm more giddy looking at old couples holding hands, kissing each other. Couples who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and continue to enjoy each other's company. The companionship remained. Glow in their eyes are still evident. They continue to talk about sweet nothings despite the hearing problem. They walk together, hand in hand, with their canes. They swell with pride with their children and lots and lots of grandchildren. Ageing is a gift for them.
"The most romantic story is not Romeo and Juliet who died together...
But grandpa and grandma who grew old together," as the saying goes.
Those are the love stories that should be written and hug the limelight. Those are the love that endured time and temptations. Love that strengthened two people until the sunset days of their lives together. Love bears all-maybe not with all smiles that the world has to see but you can always learn from old couples how they faced the battle together- head on and emerged triumphant and contented. A love for a lifetime and a lesson for the new generation who continuously search for one big love to fill the void.
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